Planning for Energy Security and Sustainability in Central Asia

Project name: Planning for Energy Security and Sustainability in Central Asia
Donor: Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC)
Leading Partner: Adelphi Consulting GmbH
Project period: 17.06.2011 – 31.03.2012
Territory: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

The purpose of this project was to improve knowledge of energy experts in Central Asian region of scenario-based approaches to energy-environment analysis and planning, and of tools available for mainstreaming environmental and sustainability concerns into energy security policies. A cross-cutting aim was to identify how the challenge of climate change can be turned into a positive force for supporting cooperation, joint risk management and confidence building in Central Asia and beyond.

The project results:

  • Review on energy/environment issues in Central Asia, energy policy of CA countries and cooperation in energy/sustainable development developed
  • Regional workshop for experts in energy/sustainable development in CA on scenario building, energy planning taking into account identified energy security threats and main problems